It has been way too long since I posted. I must do better.
Many of you know that I am a retired US Air Force Reservist, having made the rank of Lt Col. I did not get there on my own. A lot of great people helped me on the way. Officers in the military are the managers and executives who decide direction, and strategy. It is a lot of authority, because lives are at stake. But there is a difference between "acting in charge" and "being in charge." Thankfully in ROTC, I was taught that a brand new second lieutenant will fail by acting in charge of enlisted folk who have more experience.
That was the major take-away from ROTC. Sure we spent many hours discussing leadership, management, organizational theory, command responsibility, supervision, force employment. A lot of us felt our oats when we pinned on. But we also were warned and humbled to know our place and respect the enlisted folks who could also mentor us.